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Why do we need to use Eco-friendly Biodegradable plastics? Insight into PLA and PSM based bioplastics

Why do we need to use Eco-friendly Biodegradable plastics?  Insight into PLA and PSM based bioplastics.

Plastic waste is very rapidly polluting our environment, and the demand for reduced use of plastics in the industry from consumers has been very persistent.  Plastics are made from carbon-based polymers which are sourced from petroleum. Disposing of them is problematic as you burn them and the toxic chemicals are released into the environment which is harmful or place them in a landfill, and they will be there for hundreds of years.

Bioplastics are produced using material such as plant-based cornstarch, rather than petroleum-based products and most importantly carbon neutral. Biodegradable plastics are still made using chemicals but are designed to break down rapidly in soil. Bioplastics are made from materials which are considered less harmful to the environment which break down rapidly when disposed of in the soil. Most of them are compostable and can break down in a couple of weeks. In the case of cornstarch derived products, the molecules absorb moisture, swell, and break, making them easily digestible by bacteria.

Some of the popular bioplastics available are:

1.PLA (Polylactide acid) 

Conventional plastics break down over many years into smaller plastic pieces and never truly disappear. Whereas PLA biodegrades and breaks down into organic matter CO2 and water which can feed the earth to grow more plants thereby closing the life cycle.  The PLA most commonly is used in food packaging which has relatively low melting temperature which means it is suitable for packaging food and drinks making it more eco-friendly plastic option.

2.PSM (Plastarch Material)

PSM is a thermoplastic resin similar to PLA.  PSM is made from plant starch however this plant starch is modified using enzymes and cellulose to make it more heat resistant, water repellent, oil-proof and less brittle.  The PSM’s used to manufacture Plant Starch Cutlery are classified as bio-based material. This is because the resin is mixed with some conventional plastic to provide the rigidity necessary for functional quality cutlery.  Whilst some composting facilities will accept PSM cutlery for composting and they have been shown to biodegrade, but there are chances otherwise.

BPI® (Biodegradable Products Institute) is an association that was established to provide testing, education and promotion of compostable products.  It is always advisable to purchase BPI certified products which ensures that the disposables we are using are biodegradable and compostable.

It is always recommended to look for the kind of bioplastics you would be using before purchasing a respective product and make an appropriate decision.