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Biobag Compostable Trash Bag

Composting is the key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and replenishing our soils, reducing warming effects on the climate. BioBags aren't meant to last forever but are durable and strong enough for the conventional collection of food waste and other compostable items. This sturdy bag is perfect for collecting food waste, paper and other packaging items. BioBags breathe naturally, allowing moisture to escape and evaporate. This process allows food waste to dry, thus reducing mold and bacteria, which causes odor. This product complies with California Law (SB 1972) and other state and local laws regarding compostable labeled products. BioBags are Biodegradable Products Institute  certified to meet the ASTM D6400 specification. Biodegradable Products Institute  Certification #891053. The ASTM D6400 is the North American equivalent of the European EN 13432. Both specifications require that compostable products completely decompose in a composting setting in a specific time frame, leaving no harmful residues behind. 

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