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Benefits of Natural and Herbal Toothpaste to you and environment

You brush every day and many people does it twice a day.  But did you ever thought what chemicals and toxins could be foaming in your mouth while you brush?  Most people do not give much thought to the toothpaste they use. They pick something up because they like the flavor, or it’s on sale, or simply because it’s the product they’ve been using it for ever.  What many people don’t realize is that natural and herbal toothpaste which is chemical and toxin free is rarely more than a dollar or two per tube than a commercial toothpaste product. The main benefit to this small additional cost is that you can ensure that you will not be putting synthetic or chemical toothpaste ingredients into your mouth and then into your body and environment.

Natural and herbal toothpaste gently and safely cleans your teeth. Natural toothpastes will still work abrasively to foam and clean bacteria from your teeth. The best part of all is that natural toothpastes will not contain artificial colors and flavors, which can often negatively impact the body. If you think about the fact that your choice in toothpaste will be directly affecting your circulatory and nervous system by being absorbed through your saliva into your body, it makes you want to think again about what type of toothpaste that you are using.

Natural toothpastes work to effectively freshen your breath, soothe swollen gums, prevents allergic reactions, remove stains, gently and safely cleans your teeth without any negative impact on your body and also very much safe for children.

Typical toothpastes can contain some harsh abrasives and chemicals. Among the worst ingredients to watch out for are:

Triclosan – is an antimicrobial agent commonly found in household products and in conventional personal products to prevent bacterial contamination. This agent has been declared as an endocrine disruptor. That is to say, it affects the balance of our endocrine system, specifically our thyroid hormones.

Fluoride – most of toothpaste’s sold in the market contains sodium fluoride, typically not recommended for children younger than six years old. If a child swallows fluoride toothpaste, they may develop fluorosis, which interferes with the development of tooth enamel and can cause white spots or streaks on the teeth.  It’s used in commercial toothpastes to strengthen enamel, and many dentists recommend using a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is considered toxic when ingested in high levels and is a controversial additive in water. 

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) – SLS is a detergent which is used in soaps, shampoos makes toothpaste foam which can cause microscopic tears in the mouth (which can lead to canker sores). Sodium lauryl sulfate can be made from natural ingredients, like coconut oil or palm kernel oil. But while it might be “natural” it may still be irritating to the skin and body. That’s why you should check the ingredients on the box before purchasing.

Propylene glycol – active ingredient and acts as antifreeze and is used to soften beauty products. It has been linked to damage of liver, heart and central nervous system.

Artificial Sweeteners – Sorbitol and Saccharin which are most commonly used artificial sweeteners can cause diarrhea in children and has been linked to bladder cancer, brain tumors.

The ingredients found in natural and herbal toothpastes vary widely but often include:

Neem – has antibacterial properties that stop bacteria from sticking to your teeth and turning into plaque. The antibacterial properties of neem also help prevent and reverse gingivitis, stopping both the blood and puss discharges that occur with severe gingival disease. Minimizing the amount of bacteria in the mouth with neem also helps prevent cavities and eliminate bad breath. Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a tropical plant native to Asia. People in India and Africa have been using twigs of the neem tree as toothbrushes for many years and have maintained excellent dental health, even in areas without access to adequate modern dental care.

Charcoal – Charcoal can naturally whiten your teeth, removes stains and get rid of impurities.

Aloe VeraIt has got various properties such as immunomodulatory, antiviral and antiinflammatory in nature.

Baking soda – Teeth Whitener.

Eucalyptus oil – very effective against cavities, dental plaque, gingivitis and other dental infections owing to its germicidal properties. 

Clove Oil – strong germicidal properties and a compound called Eugenol, clove oil fights dental pain, toothaches, sore gums and mouth ulcers very effectively and also avoids Sensitivity.

Fruit peels (Lemon, Orange, Banana) – Source of Vitamin C.

Xylitol – Extracted from birch tree bark and used as a sugar substitute

Switching to a natural and herbal toothpaste might seem like a small step but think of how often you brush your teeth!  This one little change can have a big impact on your health as well as environment.  Your Teeth will for sure Thank You with a Smile.